Kalita Language Studio closely follows the guidelines of the government, special commission and Tallinn administration. All decisions are made according to the official regulations.
If you worry about the situation, please, contact us at +372-59102167 or olga@kalitalanguagestudio.com

Anti-COVID Rules:
If you feel unwell, do not join the contact class. If possible and applicable, do the COVID test.
When in class, wash or sanitise your hands before and after the class.
If you have travelled, please, follow the current recommendations of the authorities. If possible, test for the virus.

Red Plan
If the authorities increase anti-virus measures and make personal offline gatherings impossible, Kalita Language Studio will organise Zoom classes with the same schedule, the same teacher and the same programme. Online classes will last until it is allowed to meet offine again.
Please, be ready to move online in case the situation does not allow us to meet offline for a period of time.

Do I need a COVID pass?
To participate, you need a COVID pass or a quick test negative result.
Masks and disinfectors are always available in the studio,
NB. Quick tests are available in Chirtinas Klinika on the 6th floor