Info Hour. Инфо-час. Infotund. (1)
Mon, 01 Mar
Let's talk about how we teach English and how you learn it. We will also discuss the new groups that are being launched from March, 01: English for Life A1-B2, English for Work B1/B2, Grammar&Speaking B1/B2. Time to get to know each other and have some fun :)
Time & Location
01 Mar 2021, 18:00 – 22:00
About The Event
Räägime uute programmide kohta, kuidas õpetame, kes on meie õpetajad, missugused tulemused te saate. Valime õiget taset ja õpevormi (individuaalõpe, rühmaõpe, kontoris, stuudios, online/offline jne.)
Поговорим о программах, методах обучения, о наших преподавателях, о целях и задачах курсов. Выберем подходящую именно вам форму обучения (индивидуально или в группе, в офисе или в студии, online/offline).
We'll talk about courses and programmes being offered from September, about our teachers and methods. We'll help you choose the right course, level and form (one-on-one, in a group, in your office, in the studio, online/offline etc.)
Pilet "Infotund"
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