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Info Hour. Инфо-час. Infotund. [offline]

Sat, 20 Feb



Let's talk about how we teach English and how you learn it. We will also discuss the new groups that are being launched from March, 01: English for Life A1-B2, English for Work B1/B2, Grammar&Speaking B1/B2. Time to get to know each other and have some fun :)

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Info Hour. Инфо-час. Infotund. [offline]
Info Hour. Инфо-час. Infotund. [offline]

Time & Location

20 Feb 2021, 11:00 – 12:00

Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 67a, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia

About The Event

Räägime uute programmide kohta, kuidas õpetame, kes on meie õpetajad, missugused tulemused te saate. Valime õiget taset ja õpevormi (individuaalõpe, rühmaõpe, kontoris, stuudios, online/offline jne.)


Поговорим о программах, методах обучения, о наших преподавателях, о целях и задачах курсов. Выберем подходящую именно вам форму обучения (индивидуально или в группе, в офисе или в студии, online/offline). 


We'll talk about courses and programmes being offered from September, about our teachers and methods. We'll help you choose the right course, level and form (one-on-one, in a group, in your office, in the studio, online/offline etc.)


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