About Us
Why are we a "studio"?
Not "school", "center" or "courses"?
We aim at creating a cosy, quiet, safe place where you can relax and in a friendly atmosphere learn new things. No rush, no panic, nice people, pleasant tasks. That's why we borrowed a feature or two from a regular yoga studio. Have you been to any? Try, it'll broaden your horizons. We do not wear shoes inside, we leave our bags with all irrelevant stuff at the entrance and do our best to concentrate on what we do, be right here and now.
Sounds like something you would like? Join us :)
What's our business?
We teach English and Russian. We offer one-on-one classes and group courses of these kinds:
level courses : Beginner A1, Elementary A2, Pre-Intermediate B1.1, Intermediate B1.2, Upper-Intermediate B2
specialised courses: English for Work, Grammar & Speaking, Talk-Talk (conversational classes) etc.
events: English Club in Tallinn, Russian Speaking Club, English Speed-Dating etc.